Pix 6-Aug-18

Headed off to Venice in the morning. First stop was to the police and harbour master to organised passport stamping and clearance into Italy. I then headed off independently from Mark
and Chloe to find a FOREX to change half of my Kuna into Euro. Caught up with Mark and Chloe in St Mark's square later on. After lunch and an exploring Venice on foot, we headed back to Westralia in the ferry for a shower, then in the evening headed back in
to Venice for dinner. Unfortunately we missed the last ferry back to the marina. After much confusion we managed to get a water taxi It is a spectacular historic city in unique surrounds with the canals. Obviously all the logistics of Venice are conducted using small boats, servicing the multitude of restaurants and
bars. It is certainly the case that owning a bottom floor apartment is a bad investment given the issues with the sinking city and flood events due to over excavation of access channels etc. The Grand Canal St Mark’s Square Band at the Florian One of the many canals servicing Venice Chloe pleased with the Dolce Gabbana purchase Many Gondoliers competing for passengers Dinner in Venice |