Pix enroute to Miljet 29-May-18 1205 hrs 42:39.907N 17:55.390E

Steve Coughlan
Tue 29 May 2018 11:05

Motor sail, main up. SOG 9knts. Chilling out.



Mark nodding off



Just crusin’



John at helm



Marlene enjoying the trip up the coast of Croatia


Best Regards,



BCM photo logo1Steve Coughlan

Executive Chairman | Byrnecut Group



e steve {DOT} coughlan {CHANGE TO AT} byrnecut {DOT} com {DOT} au 

p +61 8 9270 1000  |  m +61 418935451


Level 1 Bravo Building  .  1 George Wiencke Drive

Perth Airport  .  WA  .  6105


w  byrnecut.com.au | The Safest Future in Contract Mining




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