PIX 20-Aug-13 8:00pm 43.31.542N 007:02.474E

Steve Coughlan
Tue 20 Aug 2013 19:00

Anchored at Ile St-Margeurite off Cannes as no berths were available in the Cannes marinas.


Took dinghy across and infiltrated the security at Port De La Croisette, Cannes and tied up amongst the super yachts. We walked into the restaurant at Palm Beach in our bogan sailing attire for dinner - no problem, they did not bat an eyelid. They would have presumed we had a berth in the marina.


Met a Belgium guy there who was based in Dubai running tennis camps. Nice bloke, very familiar with Melbourne, re Aussie open. Very good food and surprisingly cheap considering the location - no doubt subsidised by the huge fees that would be charged for the superyachts in the marina.


Pix: Anchorage off Rad D’Hyeres, Edward at the Helm en route to Cannes, monastery at anchorage of Ille St-Margeurite

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