Argostoli, Kefelonia 12-Jul-19 1530hrs 38:10.711N 20:29.378E

Steve Coughlan
Fri 12 Jul 2019 15:30

12-Jul-19            0750hrs

Depart Levkas.

12-Jul-19            1530hrs

Anchored and tied stern off to town quay at Argostoli. A fire in the mountains opposite the waterfront kept us entertained in the afternoon as a Skycrane chopper water bombed the blaze, along with a series of fixed wing aircraft. The fire was put out over a period of a couple of hours. We ventured into the town in the evening. Very active town with many restaurants and people promenading. Went to local Greek restaurant where everything was served on waxed paper, no plates.


Approaching Argostoli


Busy town of Argostoli

Joe’s last night


Marlene enjoys local Kefelonia white wine

Skycrane water bombing bushfire opposite waterfront