Pix 28-Jun-18 1200hrs 44:34.308N 14:24.533E

Problem with electrics on outboard. Motor would not crank, leg raise/lower no power. Removed leads from battery, cleaned terminals, lead connections. Checked battery with multi meter.
Seeing 12.9v so battery ok. Assumed fault may be in remote control. Disassembled, parts everywhere and with no detailed drawing I had an unsolvable jigsaw puzzle. Motored over to marina at Mali Losinj to access Yamaha service. Fortunately located the agent, a local fellow and his son. They were clearly amused at the pile of parts I gave them in
a plastic container. They removed the remains of the remote control from the console and took it back to the workshop to reassemble. On returning they refitted the control. Still no power to the engine. They tracked back from the control and found a badly
corroded battery lead which had a poor quality join in it. It should have been a continuous cable without any join. Longer pair of cables fitted to the battery and run through to engine. As is often the case, it is often a simple problem. The fellow and his
son did a great job but suggested I do not disassemble the remote control again! Mali Losinj Fish markets, Mali Losinj. The Adriatic and Meditteranean seas keep on giving! Yes, I am very ugly! Westralia (on righr) at berth in Mali Losinj |