Lakka 12-Jun-19 1620hrs 39:14.389N 20:08.101E

Steve Coughlan
Wed 12 Jun 2019 16:20
12-Jun-19 1330hrs Departed Voukari after taking the dinghy ashore to have coffee and check emails at the Panorama restaurant 12-Jun-19 1620hrs 39:14.389N 20:08.101E Anchored at entrance to bay off Lakka, on the island of Paxoi, south of Corfu. Crystal clear water, went t for a swim to the shore and back. We took dinghy into village and had a beer before dinner a local taverna. Itinerant musicians at tavern in Voukari Panorama restaurant near Voukari Tieing off the dinghy near Panorama restaurant Hels sorting out the main sheet. Taking a run in the dinghy |