14-Jul-23 Porto Kagio 20:00 36:26.002N 22:28.993E

06:00 Up early to give the topsides a wash down, taking advantage of the good water supply. We then headed off to the tennis courts for another set at 08:30.
Then to a cash and carry supermarket for supplies. We had an OJ nearby and organised a taxi back to the boat, given the amount of supplies we had picked up. I then went and refuelled the dinghy - bit of an ordeal as the marina fuel quay was not operating,
so I motored in the dinghy to the commercial port - no fuel quay, so googled fuel station, secured the dinghy and walked a few hundred metres to refuel the dinghy fuel tank. Returned to Westralia and organised to depart at 13:00. 20:00 Again, wind on the nose so motored 90 percent of the way. A short motor sail on the approach to Port Agio, after rounding the most southerly point of the Greek (Peloponnisos) mainland.
Anchored in the calm bay. A few yachts in the bay, including a Cat with an Australian couple of Spanish (female) and Italian descent. Jude found out this, along with their life history, during a 10 minute stop in the dinghy at their boat on the way into shore
for a dinner at one of the family tavernas. Light wind assist once we headed north around Tainaro Pt. Porto Kagio Taverna ashore