9 August 1430 Depart Kayio Bay, south Peloponnisos

Steve Coughlan
Tue 9 Aug 2022 14:30
Very attractive protected bay with family run tavernas ashore. Basic but very good food, including fresh fish caught by the locals.

Murray and I hiked upto the old church and Archilio castle. We took the dinghy to shore, tied off to the rocks and made our way up. Hard work through very prickly native bush. Managed to get a lot of scratches on our legs. We came back via a trail down to a beach some distance from tge dinghy. I swam around and brought it back to pick up Murray.

Spectacular views of the hill surrounded Bay.Image

Coffee and breakfast at elevated Taverna


Westralia at anchor, Kayio Bay


Mountainside Church and old forts
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Executive Chairman

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