Pix 23-Jun-16 1930hrs 40:44.899N 14:00.291E Pompei

Steve Coughlan
Thu 23 Jun 2016 18:30

Jun 23 Catherine and Jack arrived from London around 1130hrs and are getting organized on the boat we caught a taxi to visit Pompei.


An elderly tour guide assisted us around the site, very impressive. The sophistication of the excavated city was impressive, with underground sewerage, piped water, construction and urban planning of a significant port trading and commercial centre – all terminated in a matter of hours.



Pompei sculpture



One of the many well laid out streets in the city



One of the amphitheaters, Jack and Catherine




Main commercial street



Well preserved wall feature
















One the victims of Pompei, young woman



Detailed ceiling feature



Catherine and out guide, Guilia



Vesuvius in the background



Catherine and Jack