Pix 24-Jun-18 1800hrs 44:52.796N 13:50.705E

Steve Coughlan
Sun 24 Jun 2018 17:00
1350hrs: Depart Kopec after a tour of the city, grocery shopping, lunch etc. 1800hrs: Anchored at Pula. Motor sail most of the way in light winds. I stayed on board whilst the others motored in to Pula on the dinghy to explore and get
supplies. I prepared a spag. bol. which we had with a bottle of red. Kopec restaurant. Originally a colony of Rome in the 1st century BC, the ancient city Parentium. The basillica Euphrasian. Emporer Constantine, in 313, gave freedom for Christians to worship in the Roman empire View to Porec from our mooring |