Foci bay, Fiskardho 15-Jul-19 1455hrs 38:15.144N 20:38.767E
Steve Coughlan
Mon 15 Jul 2019 14:55
15-Jul-19 1215hrs Departed Sami 15-Jul-19 1455hrs Anchored, tied off stern to shore in Foci bay, near Fiskardho, Kefelonia. We had a beer at the low profile Taverna behind the beach at the head of the bay and then took the dinghy into Fiskardho for dinner at a very good water front restaurant
called Irida. Returned to Westralia at 2200hrs and noted another yacht had anchored, tied off stern to shore, uncomfortably close to the port side of Westralia. Anchored and tied off at Foci Bay near Fiskardho Path to head of bay Old olive trees at head of bay Dinghy positioned Fiskardho, very attractive water front, bars and restaurants |