Pix 31-Jul-18 1715hrs 44:01.355N 15:03.441E
30 July 1545hrs: Departed Sibenik with Mark and Chloe. Managed to get away from the berth in strong winds on the SB beam, with 50% bowthruster, with no issues. 1800hrs: Hanging off mooring at Uvala Tratinska, Otok Zirje. Good sail in 20knt NW winds, initially close hauled from the entrance to Sibenik, then a broad reach
before motors on as we beared NW up the west coast of Otok Zirje. 31 July 1130hrs: Depart Uvala Tratinska, Otok Zirje. First thing in the morning I dived the boat and, with Mark's assistance, replaced the damaged SB bowthruster prop. Mark and Chloe took the
dinghy to a small bay nearby for a swim whilst I attended to work emails. 1715hrs: Anchored at Uvala Marinica, Otok Rava. Motor all the way dead into the wind. Had a long swim, then later in the evening we motored around to Konoba Rava for dinner. Beautiful clear waters around
Uvala Tratinska, Otok Zirje Konoba Rava Mark buys seashore pebbles from young enterprising kids! |