Engine off!

Steve Coughlan
Wed 26 Jun 2013 07:30

0830hrs 26 June.  After 42 hours and 360 odd nautical miles the wind picked up and we turned off the engine. Winds 15 to 20 kn SE. Our bearing 210 degrees. Poled out genoa for downwind run. Roster is 2 on watch, 2 hours on 3 hours off with one party rotating out every hour. Working well.


Manual helm due to unpredictable seas.


Location 45:49.93N 7:40.54W


Best regards,


Steve Coughlan

Managing Director

Byrnecut Australia Pty Ltd


Office:  +61892701000

Fax:        +61892701001

Mobile: +61418935451

Web: www.byrnecut.com.au


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