5 June 13:30 Leukimmis Bay, Corfu 39:26.739N 20:00.464E

Steve Coughlan
Wed 5 Jun 2024 13:30

12:00 Weighed anchor and commenced motoring south, passing Frank Lowy's superyacht anchored nearby, Ilona, on the way.

13:30 Anchored in Leukimmis Bay, Corfu. Dead calm conditions, motor all the way. We went for a swim, in my case to shore where I asked a French couple about a nearby Taverna, which they highly recommended. We headed in there for dinner after our Aperol, spectacular setting elevated above the bay and excellent food.


A large white yacht in the water

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Aussie Frank Lowy’s superyacht, Ilona

A boat on the water

Description automatically generatedA boat on the water

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Westralia at anchor off the restaurant jetty

A white chair on a stone path

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Lush garden setting

A person sitting at a table with a plate of food

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Excellent food and wine

A person sitting at a table with food

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Steve Coughlan
Executive Chairman

Level 2 Bravo Building
1 George Wiencke Drive
Perth Airport WA 6105, Australia
P+61 8 9270 1000  M+61 418 935 451