
Steve Coughlan
Wed 28 May 2014 11:38
The Douane (French customs) came on board, well armed, asking me if I had any weapons. I responded "Only these two bare hands, both lethal." They took a step back ... then I snapped out of my day dream.
After a check of the ship's papers and passports they left empty handed.
Bastia berth was not that pleasant due to proximity to marina entrance hence a rolling night's sleep (no rocking!). We tried to locate Jacqueline, the Senegalese waitress Jude and I befriended last year but she no longer worked at the bar.
A couple of pix from Elba attached, re the Lido restaurant. Excellent food and great local Corsican wine.
Wednesday 28th
Departed Bastia about 11am making our way south to Solenzara. Current position 42.24.537N 09:32.918E