Pix 10-Aug-18 1115hrs 45:36.118N 13:46.661E

9 Aug 1530hrs: Depart Pula. 2050hrs: Anchored at Umag. Motorsail/motor all the way in very light winds. Motored in dinghy into the town for dinner. Very busy, peak tourist season 10 Aug 0845hrs: Depart Umag after clearing customs and border control. 1115hrs: Arrived at Cantieri San Rocco near Muggia. Italy, the boat yard where Westralia would be hauled out and placed on the hardstand until next season. With Westralia in the boat
lift dock, John and I proceeded to remove the main, genoa and jib sails. This was made easy being along side. We could pull the sails straight off the boat onto the hard and then flake them into the sail bags. After removing the sails we moused all the running
rigging, labelling each rope. With the sails and ropes placed on pallets by 1430hrs, we waited for the lift which took place at 1600hrs. The boat was then lowered into a frame and secured. The yard was very quiet, only two employees on site due to the holiday
season. The receptionist advised that we would not be able to access the yard as it would be closed Saturday and Sunday. This was not good for John and I as we had work to do. We made a decision to take the dinghy and tie it off close to our hotel (the Lido
in Muggia, 500m from the yard) and use it to access the yard over the weekend. John and I removed sails and moused out rigging, placed on pallets for removal to North Sails, Slovenia. Up she comes! |