Pix 03-Jun-18 Uvla Stipinska 1900hrs 43:09.561N 16:25.018E

Steve Coughlan
Sun 3 Jun 2018 18:00
Anchored in Uvla Stipanska, on the lea side of Marinkovac island near Hvar town. We set the dinghy down and got Matt to shore to do a reconnaissance run to check out the restaurants.
Mark, Marlene and me motored around to the other side of Marinkovac where there was a couple of Kanobas. Great food, including a fish caught 200m off the shore. We all motored back Westralia late evening by which time winds had dropped to nil so a very calm
night. Note successfully completed braided rope to 6 strand stainless wire on third attempt! 8 strand braided rope to 6 strain stainless wire rope splice – success on third attempt