Pix 11, 12-Jun-17 Perast 2000hrs 42:29.144N 18:41.931E
11 June Constantine, the Marine Surveyor, arrived about 1130am and conducted survey of damage, reviewed my statement, took photos including certification. We then had lunch and he departed
about 1400 hrs. Good guy. Mex Kleinsorge arrived at about 7pm and settled in. We had dinner on boat. 12 June Breakfast at Porto Montenegro. Cleaned boat and then headed off around 1530 for Perast. Could not get a berth until 7pm so motored around to Banja for a quick swim. Returned and
berth still not available so moved to another Perast position, anchored and tied off astern with long ropes to local restaurant assisted by old Montenegrin fisherman. I went ashore, gave him €20
and had a beer with him. Cruise liner heading out of Kotor, passing Perast View from stern of Westralia to restaurant at Perast Mex Kleinsorge enjoying the view |