Pix 17-Jun-17 1230hrs 42:40.341N 18.07.530E

Steve Coughlan
Sat 17 Jun 2017 11:30

Previous evening anchored in river near Dubrovnik marina. No berths available. Took dinghy to nearby restaurant and then hit the sack. Long day from Porto Montenegro.


Dived the boat in the morning and noted both bow thruster props were missing a blade or two. Removed one and went to Nautica Services  and placed order for 4 props as this is the second time blades have come off due to objects sucked through bow thruster. Motored to fuelling jetty. Full fuel. Set tank hours to zero.




Diving boat to check out bowthruster props



Some blades missing from both props



Tom covers me and hands tools, receives parts as I disassemble port side prop.

Tom and I took prop into Nautica Services at the marina and I place order for new props.

Will have to be careful manouevering, as no bowthruster, until spares are delivered.



Anchorage in river provided safe haven close to Dubrovnik Marina





Restaurant ashore wher we had diner previous evening