19 /20 June 18:00 NAOK
19 June John arrived from the UK with various bits and pieces, most importantly copper washers and brass bolts to replace all the existing stainless steel bolts
on the house battery connections to eliminate poor connections. That took some time as, firstly, we had to solder together 6x2mm copper washers to make 12mm copper spacers, 24 off. Then remove the 24 existing SS bolts and fit the 24 brass bolts and copper
spacers. After working on the boat for the day we headed into Corfu old town for dinner at a taverna in the tourist strip.
20 June Catherine had another early morning series of Teams meetings from 3am to around 8am. She then had around 4 hours sleep. I went to shore and had a coffee with John before he left
back to the UK. Catherine and I staring prepping the boat for the arrival of Nat, Dave and Susanna. We headed into shore in the evening for dinner at the Bougainvillea restaurant. Calm anchorage at NAOK NAOK yacht club is a popular swimming spot Corfu town shops still busy at 10pm Trimming new teak panel prior to sanding and calking