23-Aug-17 1800hrs 42:45.427N 16:46.631E

22 Aug, 1215hrs:
Depart Mezuporat. 22 Aug, 1300hrs: Good sail in reaching conditions across to mooring at Komiza, south west Vis. Shifted mooring position due to overcrowding as more yachts came in late afternoon and
evening. Imminent danger of fouling another yacht due to uneven swing and longer length of Westralia relative to the many 10m to 12m charter yachts for which the mooring spacing seemed to have been designed. Dinner in Komiza. 23 Aug, 1215hrs:
Depart Komiza after Alex and Kate went for swim and then breakfast ashore. 23 Aug, 1800hrs: Anchored and tied off astern to shore at the beautiful Uvala Kremena, near Lastavo. Swim, then dinner on board after Alex and Kate went ashore in the dinghy to check
out Pasadur, tuna pasta with the remaining tuna fillet. Swim at Komiza before breakfast ashore Komiza Early evening arrival at Uvala Kremena |