28 August 1530 hrs arrived Corinth canal 37:54.981n 23:00.542e

Steve Coughlan
Sun 28 Aug 2022 15:30
Motored all the way from Piraeus in almost dead calm conditions. Berthed alongside Canal Authority wharf. Paid fees of €442 for the privilege of transiting the 3 odd miles through the canal!
Waited for an hour before we were given the go ahead and then proceeded in convoy with a total of 4 boats. Worth the money to do the transit as it is impressive, given when it was excavated (1880s) and it saved around100nm versus returning around the southern Pelopónnisos.


At Canal Authority wharf, eastern side of Corinth.


Elegant "Elena of London" led the convoy


Impressive however some sections have collapsed over time and work is ongoing.


Steve Coughlan
Executive Chairman

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