Agrapidia 04-Jul-19 1530hrs 39:09.286N 20:13.969E

03-Jul-19 Did several chores today. Took the passerelle bag to a sail maker in Gouvia at 1000hrs. She advised she would check zipper and if faulty, replace it. Alternatively if the zip was faulty she would replace the whole zip. She sent me a message
at 1030hr saying she had fixed by adjusting the zipper. Met Tony at Skippers Cafe, Gouvia Marina at 1130hrs. Went to the marina office and paid fees for two days at berth and also picked up new Navionics card for the Central Med. Then to the chandler to get
a new Shurflo extension brush, as Tom and Joe had inadvertently dropped the existing one overboard and could not retrieve it. Then went to the sailmaker to pick up the passerelle bag for which Maria would not accept any money for fixing! Then contacted Angelo,
local serviceman, and organised new water maker prefilters and cleaning chemicals and proceeded to give the system a cleanout. 04-Jul-19 1000hrs Depart Gouvia marina, after fuelling dinghy. 04-Jul-19 1530hrs Anchored and stern tied ashore at Agrapidia, Antipaxos. Beautiful small bay. Early evening we motored around to the next bay, beautiful crystal clear water with a Taverna at the head of the bay where we had dinner. A very undeveloped island
ideal for a quiet stop. Anchored and stern tied off to shore, Agrapidia, Antipaxos In the dinghy heading to adjoining bay to beach front Taverna View from beachfront taverna |