Pix 18-Jun-17 1209hrs 42:39.454N 17:48.873E

Steve Coughlan
Sun 18 Jun 2017 11:09
1045hrs: Departed Uvala Sunj on the island of Lopud and set sail for the island of Mljet, west of Lopud. Gusting winds varying from 12kns to 25kns sb reach/beam made for busy sailing
with double reef I main and genoa (due to frequent heavy gusts). SOG up to 9kns. Sails are performing beauifully. Double reefed main and genoa, sog 9kns comfortable. Departing Uvala Sunji on the island of Lopud Tom looks the part of an experienced sailor, with sunglasses and requisite short beard. Mex happy with +205 knot gusts?!! New sails performing beautifully |