Pix 18-Jul-18 1530hrs 42:67.362N 17:08.261E

1100hrs: Depart Uvala Kremena 1530hrs: Anchored Uvala Luka, tied off stern to shore. Downwind sail bearing east of Lastovo, until rounding east end of Korcula, then bearing west into strengthening
westerly wind (30knts) in the Peljinksi Kanal. Tacked up to Korcula town with double reef in main and reefed jib. Murray and I fixed a crack in aluminium weld in the dinghy. It had been taking water. Drilled small hole at end of weld to stop propagation, sanded back oxidised layer, then applied white
marine Sikaflex, then glued dinghy tape and then applied black reinforced tape. Motored to the old town. We had a drink, then I bought some M5 x 16mm and M5 x 10mm Philips head countersunk bolts for the autopilot servo motor (no M5 Allen key bolts or M5 x
12mm Philips head available). Had dinner at very nice Marco Polo Konoba (the Korculans claim Marco Polo as one of their own). Back to dinghy for return to Westralia. Repair is holding well, no seepage. Kocula pigeon comes close for an inspection of Aussie tourists Sarah picks hot chillie for spicy dish |