12 July 16:00 Ganzirri 38:15.407N 15:36.949E

Steve Coughlan
Fri 12 Jul 2024 16:00

Up early, hosed the latest deposit of Mt Etna ash off the boat. We prepared the boat for departure, first motoring over to the fuel jetty to take on full tanks of diesel and then departing Riposto for Ganzirri. The winds developed to plus 20nts from the north so we tacked, doubled reefed, towards mainland Italy, then coming about we set up to motorsail to Ganzirri. Anchored near small fueling jetty, took dinghy in and requested permission to tie up there later on for when we headed into the lake for dinner. All good. Returned and we went into shore for a swim from the rocky/pebble beach. The current at the boat made it not practical to swim off the back of the boat. The local sword fish boats were running around attempting to get their catch. Into the lake for dinner at a nice taverna after an exploration walk around the lakeside town of Ganzirri.


A body of water with hills in the background

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Passing Taormina

A city on a mountain

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A person and person sitting on a bench

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Julie and Jude at the lake, Ganzirri. Shallow, 1m, lots of mussels produced

A person and person standing next to each other

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Random wedding, photos on the lake

Steve Coughlan
Executive Chairman

Level 2 Bravo Building
1 George Wiencke Drive
Perth Airport WA 6105, Australia
P+61 8 9270 1000  M+61 418 935 451