28-May-19 Porto Montenegro 1600hrs 42:26.944N 18:41.599E

27-May-19 General work around boat. Tuned fixed rigging, replaced faulty seawater pump, fitted new anode on genset, moused through new cable for stern floodlight, vacuumed out bilge, removed dishwasher, as never used, to create more storage space.
In the evening Lari gave us a lift to the spectacular hill side restaurant Konovic ??, where we had lamb peka with very good local wine. Return to the boat by 2215. 28-May-19 1050hrs Depart Cavtat for Porto Montenegro, after clearing border police and customs. 28-May-19 1600hrs Arrive in Porto Montenegro after going through the bureacratic procedure at the customs jetty. Motor sailed all the way into a 22kn southerly. Spectacular restaurant out of Cavtat, Konavoski Dvori. Lamb peka Zimi braving his first serious leg in Westralia, heading into 22 knot northerley |