Positon 02-Jul-17 1625hrs 42:47.499N 17:22.599E
Steve Coughlan
Sun 2 Jul 2017 15:25
Anchored at Luka Polace, Miljet. Bit of a drama in the evening, a small charter yacht anchored nearby (well after we were in position) and then tied up to a tree onshore. As the wind
changed direction Westralia swung around and into the charter yacht's space. They had to fend off Westralia until we returned in the dinghy from a restaurant at Polace. Big drama for them however they should have not of tied off within swing range of Westralia,
rather they should have allowed their yacht to swing off it's anchor. No damage done but a lot of stress. Appears there are some marks on the copper coat of Westralia's rudder, most likely from their anchor chain. |