Photos 29-Jun-15 1211hrs
June 28 Mark, Marlene and I spent the morning cleaning the boat. Had lunch in old Olbia then dropped Marlene and Mark of at the ferry terminal at 1430hrs. Good week with Marlene and almost a
month with Mark. Very much appreciate his help and together we learnt more about handling Westralia, the cruising chute in particular. I returned to Westralia and continued cleaning the boat and the bilge which was getting a bit ripe. Checked oil and water
in engine - all good. June 29 Today continued with cleaning of Westralia, awaiting Mick and Julie Gavrilovic who arrive at 4pm. Pix in Marina di Olbia. The trouble with owning mega gin palaces that defy any logical justification in relation to costs is that there is always someone with a bigger one! |