Voukari 10-Aug-19 1845hrs 39:26.817N 20:00.468E

Steve Coughlan
Sat 10 Aug 2019 18:45

10-Aug-19          1545hrs

Depart Gaois

10-Aug-19          1845hrs

Anchored at Voukari, near the Panorama restaurant. Went for a swim and then to the Panorama restaurant for dinner. Unfortunately Jude slipped  and fell in the water when boarding the dinghy on our return to Westralia! Fortunately Julie had her bag so phone and valuables were ok, not so Jude’s camera which did not survive the dive!


Jude, Julie and Mick on the Panorama jetty, Westralia at anchor in the background.

The very pleasant surrounds of the Panorama restaurant


At dinner, Jude, as night falls so the anchor light on Westralia becomes visible