Gouvia 21-Jun-19 1230hrs 39:39.618N 19:51.373E
Steve Coughlan
Fri 21 Jun 2019 12:30
21-Jun-19 1230hrs After attending to various chores we motored around to Gouvia marina. No berths available so we anchored nearby. Took the dinghy into the marina area and had lunch with Helen and Tony before they left in a taxi for the airport. As always,
Helen and Tony are great company on the boat. I very much appreciate them taking time out to assist me. After getting supplies and returning to the boat I competed the dinghy bridle splicing. In the evening Pon, Joe and I headed into town for dinner in Gouvia. Big morning washing! RO plant is working a treat
Splicing painter for dinghy bridle
The lads, Joe, Steve, Tony |