Pix 30-Jul-18 1430hrs 43:44.056N 15:53.383E
1245hrs: Depart Skradin. Before departing, organised boat and put a few loads of washing through as Fi and Muzz were departing today. Unfortunately managed to lose bed sheet which came
off clothes line! Emailed John Eustace for a replacement. 1430hrs: Berthed stern to at Sibenik, in winds of 16knts on the SB side. Mooring lines not really satisfactory, being set too short for the length of Westralia. Managed to put the SB
mooring line through the bow thruster. Had to dive the boat and remove the jammed rope. Would appear only the SB bow thruster prop is gone. Will replace when we get to a quiet anchorage in clear water. Poor old Muzz had a fall on the foredeck, no damage to his recovering shoulder rotator cuff operation from 14 weeks ago, fortunately. Minor cuts to head. Told him I would back him in
a story about taking on four large Croatian water polo players! Murray and Fi left the boat at Sibenik to catch a bus to Split airport. Always good fun and good sports, Murray very helpful on any fixes required on the trip, Fi always putting her hand up to
assist with the ropes etc. around the boat. Trust they had a good break. Departed Sibenik with Mark and Chloe.