Pix 23-Jul-18 1530hrs 42:41.946N 17:44.293E

Steve Coughlan
Mon 23 Jul 2018 14:30
1130hrs: Very heavy rains and lightning storm at about 3am this morning gave the boat and great clean. Departed in almost no wind however, about 1 nm from Cavtat,
a local storm blew up with plus 40knots on the nose. We decided to motor to Otok Lokrum near Dubrovnik, where we anchored to ride out the storm. After about an hour the winds abated so we weighed anchor, cleared Lokrum and, with reefed main and jib, and set
a course to Saplunara, Otok Miljet. 1530hrs: Hanging off mooring at Saplunara, Otok Mljet. Good motor sail in 15 to 20knts close hauled, reefed main and jib. Had a lamb Peka at Ante's Konoba. Two
other Aussie yachts nearby. Heavy storm out ov Cavtat. Below, the calm after the strom at Saplunara |