6 September 1100 Anchored at Assos, Kefalonia 38:22.795n 20:32.235e

Steve Coughlan
Tue 6 Sep 2022 11:00
Anchored and tied off to shore. Running low on fuel as we have been motoring far more than expected due to light winds. No bulk fuel available in Assos so I organised taxi to go to nearest fuel station 10 km away and returned with 2 x 25 litre containers of diesel to ensure we could make the run to Argostoli tomorrow.


Greek solution to for short people at the Assos ATM.


Platonos taverna, Assos. Recommended.
Steve Coughlan
Executive Chairman

Level 1 Bravo Building
1 George Wiencke Drive
Perth Airport WA 6105, Australia
P+61 8 9270 1000  M+61 418 935 451