Monday June 5 Boat liftthen to the Preveza town quay 38:57.5N 20:45.3E

Steve Coughlan
Mon 5 Jun 2023 08:30

Boat lift was scheduled for 10am. We inflated the dinghy, which had been stored under the boat. It was picked by the yard and the outboard was fitted, this had been stored separately under cover and serviced. I noted the port davit had lowered slightly, due to an oil leak at the cylinder seal. This was the third time this had occurred on this cylinder, due to the hydraulics over loading the seal when fully raised as the limit switch did not work on the port side. Once the boat was launched we made our way over to the Preveza town quay. We noted a "check engine" fault on the Volvo screen. The engine was in limp mode as a result and we could only get 1,800rpm. After berthing at the town quay, I checked the hydraulic cylinder and determined it was a blown seal, very annoying. We also noted the Tecma dual button controller was not working on the forward toilet. So I had three issues, the engine, the port davit cylinder and the Tecma controller. We had planned to organise our paper work on Tuesday with Sophia, the agent, and depart for Sarande on Wednesday. However, given the engine issue we had to have it checked by the Volvo dealer, and the earliest they would be available was next Tuesday in Kefada. So I took the decision to stay put, remove the hydraulic cylinder and drive to Athens on the Tuesday to have the seals replaced.


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Boat lift 10am


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Leaking seal on port davit


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Tecma dual switch in forward head not working

Steve Coughlan
Executive Chairman

Level 2 Bravo Building
1 George Wiencke Drive
Perth Airport WA 6105, Australia
P+61 8 9270 1000  M+61 418 935 451