Catching our only fish during the crossing

Take Off
Jörgen Wennberg
Sun 6 Mar 2016 09:13
6.39 S
96.14 W

We had tried several times to let out the fishing line with no success. Just as we are starting to pick up wind, hopefully entering the Trade Winds during DAY 6 the fishing line is answering: we have a fish on the hook! David proudly shows the fish...

… however realising it’s a pretty small one: a yellow fin tuna fish!

Edvard takes care of the fish fillet. One fillet we eat as sushi for dinner. The rest of the fillet we put immediately in the freezer.


On DAY 7 we are now sure to have entered the Trade Winds! We chose a pretty Southerly path, being only 5 boats from the fleet taking this path. Take Off lies the most Southerly from everyone. After 27 hours and 58 min of motoring in total during these first days we are sailing the Trade Winds with spinnaker!