The first impression of the magical island Barbuda

Take Off
Jörgen Wennberg
Sat 21 Feb 2015 19:22
We had a lovely sailing from Antigua to Barbuda, somewhat ”mustig”! Perfect wind from the South East and fairly low waves making the whole sailing trip really pleasant for everyone! However we had made sure the kids had taken their seasick pills…. the smaller the space the cosier…. ;-) Morfar and Mormor helping to check out the shoals and reefs along the way into Barbuda. The first view of Barbuda! ![]() And so even more beautiful once we set foot on the beach of Cocoa Point. So unreal!! We have finally found the island that we had expected the whole of the West Indies would look like: long white beaches with palm trees. To our surprise we have been anchored to only one place sort of like this, Tobago Cays, which was totalled jammed with tourists from big cruising ships. Here in Barbuda : we have finally found heaven!! The kids enjoyed to run, run, run, run, dig into the sand, jump and make sand castles with Mormor. Wonder who had the most fun? Others found their way of canalising their energy… Later on Jörgen and Louise took a long walk along the beach amazed about the loooong empty beach! Only a few birds picking worms in the sands when the sea retired from the sand. When we turned back we met the guardian of the Cocoa Point Hotel. A charming man telling us all about the actual political situation of Barbuda. Certainly very interesting. In the 17th century the British family Codrington leased the land from the British and lived off different plantations. The family imported slaves from Africa for the labour. However instead of treating them badly they gave them some responsibility so they too could profit from the gain of the plantations. The slaves got engaged and responsible for their work. Later on the family Codrington left Barbuda and the land went to the slaves who today own the country together as a community. As of today no one can buy land from the Barbudan people. The only way to make business is to lease the land. Still there are few hotels and little tourism on the island. However as we are speaking, on the 2nd of March, was a general election in order to lease land to Robert de Niro (yes the famous actor) who asked for 198 years, huge amount of land only for 6 millions US dollars. Barbuda people need job so the country is been split in two. Those who want to preserve Barbuda as it is, which is a more genuine and natural choice. And those who realise that leasing land will give jobs and a better economy, however to a risk that Barbuda will become a tourist island as all the other ones. There is a peaceful and majestic charm in keeping the island as it is…. still you have to make a living on the island. We know that 1/3 voted against and 2/3 for. Still they have to agree on the length of time (198 years…Robert de Niro will be mummified by that time!) and for only 6 millions dollars!! If you have to lease it, don’t lease your country too cheap… It was very interesting to ask these people about their opinion and they were very open and friendly talking about it. This guard was going to vote for the project. Walking back we met 3 pair of legs running towards us… the longest ones coming last! In the evening movie time with Mormor and Morfar. |