Leaving Rodney Bay

Take Off
Jörgen Wennberg
Mon 22 Dec 2014 12:56
The day after the Prize Giving Ceremony was like a vacuum… most of the boats of the ARC left Rodney Bay and we had to give farewell to our crew Nils and Olof! It was lovely to have their families on visit. Olof with his wife Helén and daughter Cornelia and Nils with his fiancée Pamela (he proposed in St Lucia having the ring with him over the Atlantic crossing!) and his parents. Thankyou Olof and Nils for the nice words you left as memories in our logg book. Once again we want to THANK all the 3 Johan, Nils and Olof for being such a great sailors and support during the Atlantic Crossing! Take Off in Rodney Bay and some memories from the harbour |