No news is......
'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Sat 1 Sep 2012 19:00
Being the weekend, absolutely nothing happened yesterday (Saturday) and I don't have any expectations for today.
Martin put in an appearance on Friday. I now have the 'contents of the rocker box' back on board and the engine control cables have been connected up to the throttle/gear levers, but not to the engines.
We misidentified the lead from the masthead lights. I have a steaming light, which tells me that the original steaming light switch on the control panel had failed at some point in the past. Today's job will be to find the correct cable from the masthead. At least I know that the rotary light-selector switch works.
Letters were delivered to both the consumer council and the anti-corruption commission. I should hear something by the end of next week. In the meantime the marina fee grows and I have no way of independently charging house batteries, unless the wind generator does actually work. I'm thinking that I will have to find the money to get 'the other electrician' to connect the house bank to the alternators (at the moment is not present and accounted for). Yet again my carefully hoarded cash cushion is drip-dripping away.