Snow in Fiji?
'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Fri 11 Nov 2011 09:51
GRP dust? Now you know why John the GRP wore the full Hazmat gear
However, there was just one teensy weensy problemo
The keel on the other hull, when it tore off, took a lot of the keel with it. On this side the damage wasn't quite as bad, so after John the GRP sealed the starboard hull, he found that he'd used just a bit too much GRP and the new keel wouldn't slide underneath the hull, so
He sat and had a think about it. I reckon he'll think about it over the weekend. Sounds to me like a layer of GRP off the outside of the hull, and a new layer on the inside.
On the Mac lapdancer front, the foc replacement has been 90% approved. Now you may ask (I certainly did) how can it be 90% approved? The slightly embarrased answer from the local Apple reselller was that the symptoms of the fault exactly matched the foc replacement parameters, Apple agreed that it did, but in order for the Apple reseller to order the chip foc, the batch number of my chip would have to be entered into the system, otherwise if they went ahead and ordered it, even though it had been agreed that it was an foc job, the reseller would be charged. Apparently it can take up to two working days for 'it' to be put into the system. Due to the International Date Line (if you think that's a mating agency, Google it) that means the chip may not appear on the parts site as an foc replacement until Tuesday in Fiji. Then, it can take up to five working days for it to be delivered, which could mean that it might be Wednesday the week after next before I'm re-united with the lapdancer!