Flotsam & Jetsam
'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Tue 2 Aug 2011 00:08
First off, ex crew member Freya has just produced a 7lb 13oz 'young
chap'(name unknown). Both doing well.
I've started work on mocking up a new fridge and this week will be making
a start on cleaning the woodwork. Peter the German is off on a delivery
trip from Panama to Fiji (direct!) on Sunday, but hopefully we'll be
ordering some material from Australia before he goes. In the meantime
looking at Ipad2's as a secondary chart plotter, apparently you can
download 'The World' on Navionics charts for about £120. One of the things
I need to confirm is that the 'assisted GPS' works in the middle of the
'Oggin' and I need to make sure that you can connect a dongle to it to
connect to a 3G network rather than signing up with a 3G provider in each
county. Anybody know 'owt about it? Still looking for a GPS mouse locally
so I can get the Open/CPN up and running.
The cover of the book has appeared on the publishers website.
I'm not listed as an author yet, but the cover is there so that's a major
step in the right direction. I sent them a short 'bio' a couple of days
ago, so sometime this week that may appear or they may wait until the book
is out. Exciting stuff!!
Fiji: +6799212518
A writer's life for me?