The 'bear necessities'

'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Mon 9 Apr 2012 03:25
I wanted to check if the fridge was actually big enough (tough if it wasn't, eh?).
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So far so good.

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Imagine the bottles are home-brew/wine/iced tea(what?)
Yep, I think that covers all the basic food groups so good to go!

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Now this jobbie should be up here,

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on the opposite side of the top-plate to this one, if you can make it out. I also need to straighten out one of the lower spreader bars.

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I put on the first coat of paint to the office shelves, but after about ten minutes I was dripping with the humidity. The coats are taking eight to twelve hours to dry, so tomorrow should see all the 'ethnic' painting finished and I really hope the office rebuilt. I saw John the GRP today, we'll be putting on the final coat of gelcoat this week and finishing up his jobs inside. Provided 'Arun the Elektrik' shows up, that leaves the engines.
At some point I'll have to go up the mast to put in the new halyard, mount the VHF aerial/wire and try and salvage the mast lights. Not to mention put up the port spinnaker halyard pulley and straighten out the vee bracket. Well, say it quickly and we're almost there.
Inside, apart from the aforementioned, I need to put in the saloon cushions, replace the headlining in my cabin, fix the hob in the galley and connect up the gas. I'm not going to make any predictions about exactly when I'll be in the water because I'm going to have to wait until the 16th of the month before I can go overdrawn (the last of my three standing orders goes out on the 16th and for some inexplicable reason the bank insists that the account is in credit or they won't honour standing orders/direct debits. How absurd!!!)