Creeping towards completion.
'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Tue 15 May 2012 07:34
John the GRP is off to get the anti-fouling tomorrow. He's been spraying another boat today, so of course about 1400 we had a thunderstorm directly overhead and torrential rain for about two hours. Be that as it may, he's hoping to be working on Trouters from tomorrow, finishing all the inside jobs by the weekend then.....anti-fouling on!
No sign of Arun the Elektrik, despite his ringing me yesterday to say he would be here today. Can't win 'em all, I suppose.
This means that the port hull has been almost completely re-decorated. Just about a days work to put the final two coats in a couple of areas of my cabin.
If I'd have planned the photo-shoot a bit better, this would have been a composite view of my 'bathroom'. Unfortunately I didn't and so it isn't
Not a case of behind the green door, lucky really I haven't got the energy for that sort of thing.
well I like it.