'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Tue 22 Jun 2010 02:33
I dived on the boat this morning and found three
rather large holes in the stbd hull, the tips of the props a little scarred and
a couple of 'strike marks' along the stbd hull.
The surveyor rang as promised and Fernando the
pearl diver showed up to take a look at the hull. To make a short story of it
Bruno (the surveyor) and Fernando have agreed what work needs to be done to make
the boat seaworthy to get to Tahiti, the local mayor has agreed that the work
can be done in the small boat harbour and various epoxies have been ordered.
Materiels should be arriving on tomorrow's aircraft from Tahiti and at the
moment Fernando is optimistic that a couple of days work will see the boat
ready. Then we need a weather window for a direct shot to Tahiti (280nm) where
Bruno is arranging a suitable location for the boat to be hauled out and
permanent repairs carried out.
Just what I needed, a £2500 bill (that's the
insurance excess) but hey, I still have my home.
Thanks to all who have sent supportive emails. I'll
get around to replying individually in a day or so.