Toad of Toad Hall?
'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Sat 11 Jun 2011 18:57
of the Riverbank) with Mole, Ratty, Badger et al, may recall a chapter
where Toad manages to escape from prison dressed as a washerwoman, then
spends some time on a barge on the river doing the washing before being
found-out and having to go on the run again.
Rose & Vince have a twin-tub washing machine (10kg capacity), so yesterday
I made a start on what I'm pretty sure is about 75kgs of sodden (or should
that be sodding?) clothing/bedding/as yet unidentifiable items. The drill
is to do an initial 15 minute water-only wash, see if most of the sand has
been flushed-out then two 15 minute with-washing powder washes, then one
or two 15 minute rinses. Spin and then the tumble drier doesn't, if you
see what I mean. All very time consuming,m but then what else is there to
do? The balcony looks a bit like a sail loft with sheets etc draped all
over it.
Today I will mainly be walking down to the supermarket to buy more washing
On the boat front, a chap known as 'Peter the German' (for reasons that
become obvious when you meet him ) has just arrived back from a boat
delivery trip. he has a company in Fiji which specialises in boat
recovery, so he's had an initial look at Trouters and we will be
discussing 'things' in a day or so. Looking increasingly certain that I
will have to go back to Blighty and stack shelves for six months, although
there was a faintly encouraging email from Emma the Agent. Harper Collins
have been vaguely encouraging about Trembling Tim and there has been some
favourable comment about A Man Out of Time. The Augustus LeMesurier book
is about to start doing the rounds and she remains confident of finding a
publisher, but not in the immediate future.
Fiji: +6799212518
A writer's life for me?