An interesting experience

'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Sat 23 Jul 2011 11:32
But on a sad occasion. Tonight at the house there was a formal gathering.
As far as I understand the two sides of the family (Rose's family) met and
exchanged gifts. The men then sat and drank Kava. Apparently this was the
'gold standard' stuff according to Vince and I'll take his word for it. It
had a slight aniseedy taste to it, unlike the one I tried previously which
had a slight taste of old socks about it. Anyway, I think I can say for
sure that this will not become one of my favourite tipples. The effect, or
so Vince tells me, is similar to that of vallium. Bits of you go numb then
the muscles relax. After four bowls (three of which were 'full tide' and
the last, as an act of kindness, 'half tide')I will probably sleep well

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