Slow progress
'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Thu 12 Jul 2012 03:20
Didn't quite get it right in the beaching department but
Martin got the starboard prop off, we lifted out the saildrive leg and John the GRP managed to get a repair done. It's looking hopeful.
High water tonight I'll swing the boat round so we can get at the other prop tomorrow and repeat the process. Hopefully that will be the leaks cured.
I'm 'relieved' to be able to report the toilet works. Obviously haven't tried pumping out yet.
By the weekend we should be able to reposition the boat to an alongside berth to get the engines re-installed and tested! Then the electrics back on line.
A bit of a jump for a short, aged chap but I manage (just!).
Finished collating 'Tim' and sent him off to Emma the agent. Now to finish the eBook PDQ and upload it to Amazon.
Had a great Skype call from Beez Neez this morning. They're in Rio Dulche at the moment, at least the boat is. They're off on an intensive residential Spanish course, it all looks very nice and I'm really envious.
Still,spent last night talking to other yotties in the bar. Met an Aussie, Andy, who remembered me from Trinnie!! Small world, or maybe not!