You take the .......
'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Sat 5 Feb 2011 23:19
you put the duff batteries in
That's what it's all about!
A brief word of explanation. Allegedly I have two out of four duff house
batteries, but I didn't have a great deal of faith in the
'electrickery-man wot tested them', for reasons that I won't go into now.
Anyway, after much discussion (and even more prevarication) last
afternoon, I removed said duff batteries, leaving the two good'uns in.
This morning, the net result was
A) house batteries still discharged to an indicated 10V, so no change there
B) The inverter sensing system kept detecting 'low battery voltage' and
shut itself down, even when an engine was running. Nice!!
SOOO, in a very good mood to start with this morning because yesterday
some nice motorboater took a short-cut out of the channel and dislodged my
stern anchor, which meant waiting until the outgoing tide had the boat
tugging against the up-tide bow anchor allowing me to could haul up the
very muddy stern anchor, put it in the dingy and reset it (naturally, the
tide was just perfect for this at 0300 this morning). AFTER breakfast, I
put the allegedly duff batteries back in. Hmm, not only is the 'house
voltage' higher (slightly) than it was with just two allegedly 'good'uns'
in there but the inverter (touch wood etc etc) is now behaving itself. Ah,
the joys of electrickery on boats :)
I thought afterwards that I could have taken some photos, but I didn't.
Take my word for it, it was yet another small space to work in.
New Zealand 0220660631
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