Another nasty swello

'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Tue 19 Aug 2008 19:57
Ooooh aaaarggg, pin back yer lug'oles, me 'arties
and 'arken to what I tellee:
Twas a dark and stormy night, with a full moon and clear skies,
Indeed, t'was the night the Canadians were abord for to drink & yarn.
The wind it did blow a lot, the swell it did, er, swell a lot
& folks went home to their bunks early, afearful of getting wet bums in
their dingy'os.
Well, I tellee true with no lie (perhaps just a little embellishment for
dramatic effect)
The wind it stopped ablowing so but the swell it kept on swelling so and
the boat was ayawing to & fro
about halfway through the movie o there was a BANG and a sudden twang-io
the anchor bridle had departed this life, a leavin the boat for to yaw and
snatch the chainio.
Well, carefully putting down my glass of chilled Vinho Verde o
with scacely a murmur of protest, never thinking to curse the gods of
I carefully made my way forrard to find one leg of the bridle......snapped
snapped, so it was, a pullin the splicing clean away
Thinking quickly, in the blink of half an hour or so
I retrieved the bridle, rigged a temporary fix.....and went to
But the story doesn't end there, no sir.
The following morning, this very morning, true to tell
the boat was to be moved to the marina to replace the broken gearbox cable.
It was already known that the anchor chain had snagged two rocks, but the
diver, Gawd blessim, a young chap now forever known as Peter 'Hans Hass',
on attempting to free the chain found yet a third rock asnaggin the
Aaar, twas a relief to get the boat into the, so t'was.
And now, with a new bridle and cable, laying peaceful-like at anchor
with a 25kt wind a blowin and the swell still aswellin,
Tis time to watch the end of the movio