Great excitement in the night
'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Sun 9 May 2010 18:27
06:11.228S 115:54.523W
Position at 1800 UTC 09/05/10
Daily run 162 nm
No no, not THAT sort of excitment (dirty-minded
little 'erberts!). Firstly Freya saw a large fishing boat AND managed to steer
around it without any drama AND got us back on course afterwards, all on her
own.....'the girl dun good'.Then Helen had a large(ish) flying fish savagely fly
into the side of her head then flutter around the cockpit for a while before she
returned it from whence it had come. I had a good nights sleep
Ah, Sunday mornings........a cooked breakfast, the
Sunday morning politics show on the boob-tube then perusal of the Sunday 'comic'
before going 'darn the pub'........alternatively you could spend an absorbing 45
minutes servicing a reluctant sea-toilet, guess which type of morning I
Mind you, Freya had yet more excitement....a call
via the sat phone to mum, whom I'm reliably informed (and I must say I
find this difficult to believe Kate) was settling down to the first glass of
refreshment of the evening. Much contentment all round, one
MESSAGE TO HELEN'S MUM. Hello, Helen's mum. As soon
as ' Helen's Mum's Daughter' has got her sums right she'll give you a call. I
tried to help, I really did but you know better than I that she can get a little
'sniffy' if you point out that she might just possibly have made a mistake in
the calculations :)
Glad she teaches geography and not maths
Anyway, all is well. My turn to cook so it's bean
& chicken stew with freshly-baked crunchy bread for supper (or will it be
crunchy bean & chicken with freshly-baked stewey-bread? All may be
revealed at a later date. Oh yes, we have 1385 nautical miles to go to Fatu